Originally Posted by
Wannin why is my head texture not working i have buy it and i upload a 128x128 .GIF
data but its not working why
2 year 2001Tc without booster and ist not wooooooooooooorkiiiiiiiiiiing
and an answer how to make screen schohst ( sry when speeling is wrong )
First of all you need toribash 3.8 You can download it from the home screen. Then you go to shop. Then textures, then you click "Browze" Click on the head you want to add. Then click finish or done. I cant remember which it says cause ive been sticking to one head! XD
1: What do you mean by screenshots?
I mean, I have taken screen shots before by accident and i wanted to take a shot of my character for my new avatar. Dose anyone know how to do this?
Oh, also, i have my own social group now. you guys are free to join. It's called "Decimators" Entry fee is just a replay on how hard you can decimate and 50 tc lol.
Last edited by WolverineWepX; Aug 30, 2009 at 12:07 AM.