You forgot jungle alistar and jungle blitz in how to counter jungle specific champs.
Alistar almost always starts blue, blitz can start red or blue, but usually blue. Both can be risky invades due to high cc, but normally are safe to counterjungle so long as everyone is accounted for.
And let's not forget jungle karth. Obviously, taking blue stunts him horribly.
Jungle sejuani is like jungle ammumu, dependent on blue for maximum clear time and no real damage to combat shyvanna. Constant slow can make her dangerous if not everybody is accounted for though.
Also jax, but I'm not sure how he jungles. Pretty sure he starts blue though.
Jungle taric starts blue.
Jungle heim starts blue, but can be hard to counterjungle due to turrets, so his red will probably be an easy grab.
Any other champ starts getting a bit too obscure worth mentioning, but you covered most of them :3