Originally Posted by
"already silver 2"
learn spray patterns before you learn anything else, along with crosshair placement.
Already silver two, meaning within the first few games of me placing I promoted. 60-ish hours on my account is AFK or not playing at all. Though, ty for advice. I've taken the time to use Maps to improve my spray patterns (especially with the AK, which I was god fucking awful with at first). Crosshair placement is, alright.
Originally Posted by
The quick guide to getting better at CS:GO for beginners.
-Look at what kind of a sensitivity professional players use, if your sensitivity is miles above or below that, something is probably not optimal.
The optimal range of sensitivity is 1.2 - 3 (transalted to 400dpi).
-Focus on your crosshair placement every game. If your crosshair is not head level, make sure it is.
-Learn to stop and shoot properly.
-When you die, try to figure out why. If you get shot from the side, something is probably wrong with your positioning.
-Learn to first aim, then shoot. You'd be surprised how many people start shooting before they have the crosshair at the opponents head.
-Get accustomed to the weapon srays, they will come to you with time, but at least go over the rifles in a private room once or twice.
- I think my Sens is a bit higher than the standard. My Zoom sens is .7, not sure if that's alright or not. But it feels fluent.
-It's alright, but needs improvement. At times I lose firefights purely because of bad crosshair placement. Needs a bit of work.
-Yeah, I've had that drilled into me. Though I sometimes have a bad habit of pre-crouching, which isn't optimal most of the time.
-See above
-When I die I usually take the time to learn from simple mistakes, and rarely do I die in the same spot twice, unless I'm being a monkey.
-Of course, I've got that in check. I don't spray and hope to snag a kill, for the most part.
-Like i said to Valt, I spend a shitton of time learning sprays in private games, and practicing aim on other maps. I don't think it's bad to practice/warm up for a fair amount of time, so I work to improve.
All in all, thanks for thr advice. I'll be show to keep it in mind next time I play.