All fucking day jingles, all fucking day
I might shove some up Moops ass too

Shuddap smallbowls blood vodka :<
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Also wtf is this since when do this many posts happen in this much time on duck?
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
wtf is this

you guys are posting here more than you do your own board. That's our thing you can't just steal it
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
Also wtf is this since when do this many posts happen in this much time on duck?

im here

send your outcasts to [Parrot]
Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
wtf is this

you guys are posting here more than you do your own board. That's our thing you can't just steal it

I hereby proclaim this thread and everything in it to be property of parrot.

any protests or aguments are punishable by death
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
If you skim through a little pages back I can tell you that this is probably the last board you want to own
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
I hereby proclaim this thread and everything in it to be property of parrot.

any protests or aguments are punishable by death


actually the last few pages have been complaints about there being so many more pages

send your outcasts to [Parrot]
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post

sieg heil

Last edited by MrJingles; Nov 23, 2015 at 09:24 PM.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Parrot owns duck, nothing you guys can do about it. \o/
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation