Cool, glad to see TCT is finally getting going again. Looks like we're up against Cobras this time, so this should be interesting. As for our teams, I think we should reorganize, balance, etc. We gotta make sure we're at our best. Especially now that Temp's back I'm sure we'll be wanting to get him in on it because he's a damn fine abd player he'll bitch and moan to no end if he's left out.
Okay, so I'm gonna throw a roster out there and see what you guys think about it.
ABD: Soap, Risk, Temp
TK: Soap, Risk
Wushu: Soap, Bleach
Lenshu: Erif, Bleach
Judofrac: Ice
I didn't reference the previous roster at all, but I did remember who played/won in certain mods and that affected my decision. Let me know what you guys think.
Name: KillHouse
Belt: Blue going into brown
Bans, infractions, or warnings: Yes For doing something i did not do (scamming)
Past clans and why you left them:Only Lux because i never felt welcome
Anyone you know in this clan: I know risk who i met igm
Why do you want us: I want Zone because they are a disciplined respectful eternal brotherhood who always stick with each other and i want to be apart of something that im welcome to
Why should we want you: Im a easy person to get on with i have no bad side and i have a good temperment
Best and Worst mods:my best mod is mushu abd aikido and judo my worst have to be wushu
One or two paragraphs about yourself: I am a 12 year old boy growing up in london however i am mixed race and part from the carribean (st.vincent) I currently take karate lessons irl and i am mostly a hard worker with high social grades and a good bunch of friends. I am a commitful person who dosent like to give up even in the most doubtful situations.
Your usercard:
3 replays:
The reason i was still in Agent was because i believed You or Risk would have told me during our time in the server sorry for the inconvenience but i wasnt aware due to this is my first ever application