
Preferred Mods:
Old Clans:
How much do you use Forum:
Why do you want to join?:
What kind of skills do you bring to Legions ?:
Other Qualities:
Invited by Who?:
3 SinglePLayer Replays:

Including Nude picture for instant acces.
Last edited by affei; Jun 28, 2010 at 01:23 AM.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]
If you like these app rules i will clear the old and replace them
just tell me ill make it.

Also see what i said "including nude pic for instant acces lol"
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]
Affei, should we start recruiting?
It has been almost 1 week since we updated our new Application form.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
The New Application Form does not have any effect we are still inviting only.

A Recrutiment Server would be against the Inviting only.

Also planning on changeing to normal Applications.

Work in progress be patient.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]