Information about movable environment objects in .rpl files
I've already posted this request (#529). Psycore replied to it, and it sounded like the script is going to happen (#530).
The script still doesn't exist. Unfortunately, I don't know if that's the case because it was forgotten or because it is just impossible to write it. I was asking for this (I've corrected some grammatical mistakes):
A replay file contains information about the toris (their position and momentum).
Though, as far as I know, it does not contain any information about movable (non-static) environment objects.
My question / request is: could there be a script that gives out this information? For example, when I kick a little box, the script will give out the information about the postion and momentum of the little box:
"frame 30;
env_obj 3;
Pos 3; 0.66540 ... etc ...
Linvel 3; 2.9495 ... etc ..."
something like that. Maybe it is, in fact, impossible? I couldn't do it.