View Poll Results: Tighten compliance this rule or leave everything as is?
Tighten compliance this rule
8 Votes / 88.89%
Leave everything as is
1 Votes / 11.11%
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You think you are that one Lexx isn't it?
But your just another conceited guy that thinks he got it what it takes.
You know if i would loose you would loose horribly.
Also you just fail you can make nice jumps and all in tb but got no plan of fighting.
It is more like when you and me would fight vs the clan i would have to do the whole job since you wouldnt even win one fight.
Learn to play and learn to respect.
lexx you (think) you are the best...... i cant say anything about that bacuase i never have see you ingame sry.... the chance to loose is in every clanwar, so who cares
i played in aeon against (atlantic) i won all my 3 games and it was just for fun .....a quick little clanwar we lost but hey...

Cobra, you epicly fail.
I'm already proven to be one of the best.
I never lost a duel. Had over a hundred of duels, never lost one. (But there was 1 situation when I lost to IrmantasX.)
I have the highest win ratio in MM.
Second thing is, that I respect people who are good and respect theirselves, not like you.
I have my own openers in aikido, wushu and judo.
When I play, I set a plan after 100 frames. What can my opponent possibly do in about 200 frames further. Automatically I counter (possibly) his next two moves.
It might be you, who does not have any idea what will he do next, stand and do nothing or make his move.
KOTBOLT, I'm not the best. But one of the best.
You think you are that one Lexx isn't it?

Btw, a lot of grammar mistakes.
Like what did you mean by that? Let me guess - nothing?
Learn english...
This thread is for our CLANWAR things.
Offtopics will be deleted!

Spamspamspamspamspam. Trolls <3.
Oh, by the way, CLANWAR is not a thing.
Last edited by Lexx; Apr 10, 2011 at 02:01 PM.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
Cobra, you epicly fail.
I'm already proven to be one of the best.
I never lost a duel. Had over a hundred of duels, never lost one. (But there was 1 situation when I lost to IrmantasX.)
I have the highest win ratio in MM.
Second thing is, that I respect people who are good and respect theirselves, not like you.
I have my own openers in aikido, wushu and judo.
When I play, I set a plan after 100 frames. What can my opponent possibly do in about 200 frames further. Automatically I counter (possibly) his next two moves.
It might be you, who does not have any idea what will he do next, stand and do nothing or make his move.
KOBOLT, I'm not the best. But one of the best.

Btw, a lot of grammar mistakes.
Like what did you mean by that? Let me guess - nothing?
Learn english...

Wrong again, nobody is the best to be honest it is the same with replays sometimes you make good ones sometimes you make bad ones.

Multiplayer is sheer luck since every single move has a counter.

Oh, and win ratio means jack shit.

Now back to the clan war, most of the people are in #atlantic right now so feel free to pop by again.
Sold my dog to join RRO
Lexx you know i like you but here is my proof that your wrong whit saying you got the highest win ratio in [MM]
Sry m8 should have checked this before saying.

Last edited by affei; Apr 10, 2011 at 05:34 PM.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]
i think i can explain that ........ affei buyed qi....i think.... and dont played that often as lexx . So lexx is better because he played like 4k games more than affei. more games= lower win ratio normally. you can look at blue belts with the same win ratio frinds _

Okay, we're just waiting on you guys.
Room CWAtMov
You challenged us and we've already postponed this once, I'm getting really dubious at this point tbh.
I'll wait 30min tops.
MM 0-3 Atlantic
TheCobra 2-3 WuTangLee
Exbattle 0-3 Notnoob
Lexx 2-3 Castra
Sigh, as I said, potentional lose.
Castra loves shoveling. -.-
Like I was going to stop, but they reseted it. Not fucking good. -.-
This is not my day, had 4 wins and 27 loses -.-
Last edited by Lexx; Apr 10, 2011 at 08:22 PM.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
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