yo dawg, i hear you live in las vegas, naice

Originally Posted by NiKva View Post
Personal? Okay then...

I've lived in Virginia (don't know where), Guam, Okinawa, and I currently live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I'm generally a post-a-holic, and the activity of your clan is what attracted me to want to join here. Every other clan is dead in activity or unwelcoming of people under black belt, so this seems like the nicest place that I can afford at my current status.

I've been playing Toribash on and off for three years, my first account's join date was in June or July 2008. I first came here for the game, but stayed for the community. A year ago, I left because I was making too much of an ass out of myself, but I've come back now since I've gotten to bored without this community.

My hobbies are too few. I play games, attempt to play the guitar, and spend most of my days using the internet. I wish I could be out partying with friends or something, but I'm really anti-social and kind of awkward to be around. My reason for being anti-social is that I don't have any witty remarks or strong opinions about anything usually.

On a scale of attractiveness, I'd say that I'm at the top, but I'm probably really biased. I love the way I look, and I hope that girls look at me the same way :P

Meanwhile IRC...
[17:55] <NiKva> Fucking rittu
[17:55] <NiKva> :l
[17:55] <@Echoforce> wuts rong
[17:56] <NiKva> kicking me from #toribash
[17:56] <NiKva> for nothing :l
[17:56] <NiKva> What a dick
[17:56] <NiKva> :/
[17:57] <@Echoforce> :l
[17:57] <NiKva> Now I remember why I quit toribash
[17:57] == NiKva [[email protected]] has left #clan []

Edit: Oh my god fuck Ninja'd...
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Actually I guess I'll stay, but not in your clan :/
Wouldn't want people to act like dicks to you, too, just because we know each other.
Lol, you realise that's Rittu right? that's how he rolls. He did it to me all the time on irc.
Pc running slow? Think you are infected or just want a general clean up? Try this.

Originally Posted by SpaceLlama View Post
Lol, you realise that's Rittu right? that's how he rolls. He did it to me all the time on irc.

It's not only Rittu. The moderators and people with power on IRC like to act like an ass because they know they won't be banned for it.
Yeah all the moderators suck and power abuse and should be banned. Especially Uric.

Anyway from your app I would have to say no sorry. Clan is a very tight clan and I don't think it's the right clan for you. If you however still believe it is then feel free to hang around on irc with us, play ingame with us and get to know our members. Then try reapplying in a few weeks maybe.

Thanks for your application but for now it is a no.
Pc running slow? Think you are infected or just want a general clean up? Try this.