i got what u mean bro , but u must add the app rules and quetions the first page , so who want to join he would see it .
Scorp can you make that thread cos my compiter is broken again and i looks like shit if i do it with my s2

Sent from Tapatalk Fucking 4, so awesome that i puke rainbows and pudding
Something is better than nothing.

scorp we had the same probleme because of this 2 thread but when someone post there or make an app u can just informe the clanmates by posting in the thread they check often ")
Im not doing it

Sent from Tapatalk Fucking 4, so awesome that i puke rainbows and pudding
Something is better than nothing.

why not man u mad me wait then u saying u not doing it lol jk
tori u still didn't say if u llike or not ur bounty :/
Lol I said my friend NightLotus is doing it or "NeoBash" as it is on youtube.
Love you Twistedgrl <3
Proud co-leader of (It's)
Originally Posted by M3G4M4N View Post
Hi guys and gals just wanted to say stop being strangers :P We're allies so feel free to post on our clan thread.


I am Adam.

Edit:Also Redrebel says hi.
Last edited by adam2332; Oct 20, 2013 at 02:26 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
i sell pocket pussies
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