Hey guys. I'm FINALLY feeling better. I will be active again today after school. I am going to have to say absolutely not to this. Sorry I know it seems good but I don't want people classified in any way. I want us to be one big "family" and this would just create barriers. Obviously we still need opinions besides mine, but that's my opinion on it.
If we do classify however, I will say NO TAG CHANGES. I really really really do not want these classifications put in tags.
Age:12/same as gatz(gatz is cookishman)
Instant Messeger/s used:Xfire aol
About Me:i play baseball and i eat food
we have a thread about some of this stuff
ya but the idea is to make a single thread about all those things so we wont have that many stickies
[elite]Sarutobi: I had a lvl 10 testicle... best day of my life