Originally Posted by
getting competent allies in soloq is impossible(or well, 90% chance to not get a good team)
duoq and you have 50% more chance to win if your partner is good, you can carry the game with him
and if you duoq and keep losing , then it means you aren't much better than your incompetent allies.
I'm 6-1 duo queue. It's the soloqueue that gave me 1k elo ._.
Originally Posted by
It also ensure that you get every last hit, as post-6 is when you start to roam a bit more in mid. For example, Cass clears waves, goes bot or top/takes wraithes/whatever, same sion etc. It's not actually a bad move.
EDIT: Also Xin is the only character that can can go 10/0 early game and then do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING late game. Zero scaling ftw!
I don't like to miss creep waves. And my skills with Anivia aren't good enough to guarantee a kill when I gank. So I play it safe and just outlane. Btw, Q is enough to farm successfully IMO.
However I do gank when I raping mid.
First time Warwick. Tips, Builds. I realise my cs is awful. Those are all 40 min games. I was solotop all 3 games also. Just to clarify. After I get good with him I plan on playing ranked as him, because WW's win games.
Edit 3: The cat in your avatar is so cute ._.
Last edited by Hippybob; Apr 11, 2012 at 02:14 AM.