F my L . I just baught ezreal instead of brand or fizz . What was going through my head?

( i know they have different play styles but brands a f****** nuke when played right . And fizz is just very fun :33
♥ mushu♥
brand and "when played right" in the same sentence

hard to believe
im good at league
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Originally Posted by SpmSL View Post
Unless you're playing Trynd and you can farm all day and dominate your lane to get quadras late game, it's nearly impossible to carry a team that is horrible. League of Legends is a team game, if everyone but you is a feeder you are going to lose. If three people are feeders it's likely you'll lose, similarly with 2 players.

You're assuming the enemy team doesn't have those type of statistics running for them either. If you're doing well, you're one less possibility for a feeder. The enemy team statistically has a higher chance of getting worse players due to more opportunities to be assigned a bad player. The need to resort to a snowball are therefore unnecessary, and are actually more likely to ruin your odds of winning rather than playing a safe pick, as snowballs can be denied and essentially be useless in late game.

The odds of receiving a bad player do not go down or up when somebody is assigned to a team too drastically, due to the large player base to choose from, so it's safe to assume the odds of getting a bad teammate are about the same at all points of selection. Let's assume the odds are 1/10 chance of getting a bad teammate. You have 4 chances for getting a bad teammate, so you have a 4/10 chance of getting a bad teammate. The enemy, on comparison, has 5 open slots, so a 5/10 chance of getting a bad teammate. Already you should statistically be receiving less bad teammates in the long run. The odds of getting two, three, or even four bad teammates are astronomically low considering the amount of games the average ranked player plays. Even so, the odds are still markedly higher for the enemy team to have the misfortune of a team of feeders, due to more chances for that slot to be filled.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
You are indeed correct :D I didn't think of the enemy team's probabilities of getting feeders.

Also I chose Trynd as my example for a snowball because it's very hard to deny him. He has a slow (though it can be hard to use it if you're being chased rather than chasing), an escape, a heal and 5 seconds of invincibility. This combined with 2 phantom dancers (I dunno if anyone else does this with him, I just love the constant crits and movement speed) and a teleport (considering the fact that you're soloing) it's nigh on impossible to stop him farming. His sustain is again a testament to how well he can farm. I can't think of anyone harder to deny farm to and very few that snowball as hard as Trynd.

Yes, Brand's burst is excellent. I've never tried Ez though, I'm guessing you don't think he's as fun as Brand?
And yeah Kat, I can't quite play him properly, similarly to 99% of Brand players. I can't seem to get my positioning right, though I haven't tried him in months.

AP Trynd? I mentioned that to my friend as a joke once, though I could be wrong to assume it would be bad; AP Amumu turned out well.
What's good about AP Trynd (specifically what's better about it in comparison to AD Trynd?)
Though yes, I see what you mean about the Snowball thing. If you want to win games consistently rather than get a large Kill to Death ratio as I was suggesting a support or a jungler could be better - someone that can go to lanes and fix them to increase your team's chance of winning by making them win their lane and not feed.
Last edited by SpmSL; Apr 12, 2012 at 05:06 AM.
i dont think you got what i meant
brand is a no-skill champion that anyone can play with little to no practice.
i bursted everything down in my first game as brand long ago, its easy
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Exactly what kat said :3 , And getting rape sauce kill streaks is fun

also ahri is really fun and a full combo ( Charm-Fox fire-Q) and sometimes with your ult bursts down pretty much anyone and yeah i forgot what q was xP
♥ mushu♥
Oh I see.

Well no, that's untrue. I see bad Brands getting dominated all the time. People that are bad with positioning and try to build him as a glass canon. His laning requires little skill but after that I see a lot of terrible Brands, missing their stuns, not doing their combos right and standing far too close to team fights.

And yeah, I've never played Ahri but playing against her is terrifying in both laning and team fights.
Yeah i guess thats quite true, brands laning phase is so good !
But ahri is devastating when combos are done right
and I just had so much fun playing ad ezreal just raped some faces
Also Spm if you play on the NA server add me StacLegend
Last edited by phantom; Apr 12, 2012 at 06:54 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
♥ mushu♥