Originally Posted by
does it looks like age of empires? for tablets and such?
Well, it's kinda a bit like Age Of Empires. But u don't have to repair anything that's broken except for the traps. AND, u have to progress through the game. It is an online game so you guys probably get the idea.
Originally Posted by
I spent around $200 twice for a game, it worth 5 or 6 months of my pocket money.
Clash of Clans? First time I heard of it.
Available for both iOS and Android. Check Clash of Clans on Google Play or Apple Store. I have an iPhone so i use the Apple Store.
Having an iPhone for this game would be a better idea than Android mobile devices. The game has a lot of graphics and only the latest Apple brands can handle it without any lag. Also, iOS users have a great advantage. 10 days ago, an update for the game came out. But for Android users, it came out 5 days AFTER the iOS users got the game and started playing on rampage.
BTW, i'm totally crazy about the game. U guys should play, and we can form a clan together. I'm strong at the moment so i can probably support u guys by donating troops.