Sorry Mist, I'm on EU West D:
I'd like to try Ezreal. He has a lot of skill shots though (at least it seems that way) which I'm not great with spamming, especially with my shitty mouse. I really need to get a new one, it has a load of stuff stuck to the bottom, it won't even come off, it causes my mouse to drag really slowly. Playing LoL this week with my friends mouse has been great, being able to effectively dodge skill shots.
And right enough, Ahri's combos are scary, especially with her jumping in and out like that.
Also lol just lost a game against Brand in mid. Not only was he pretty good but I'm not very good with Cass, he beat me pretty easily. The range on his pillar is saddening :(
Oh I see :D I guess the only thing he would be good for is that self heal giving him back 100% of his HP.
Also Lich Bane is for pussies when building AP on anyone - 5 Deathcaps and a Rod of Ages. Boots are also for little girls. This build is viable on everyone, if you play any AP champ any other way uninstall the game and apologize to Riot for wasting their time.