Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post

it only causes healing reduced by 50% if its done by an ally, your kind of an ass.

Summoner heal you know, not lifesteal/soraka and all that nice jazz.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Przero View Post
i can basically do anything but jungle :<

who's a good early ganker jungle (I got lee sin and udyr, and shockingly can't play udyr and (apparently) am a shit lee sin)

Although when Nocturne gets his ult his ganks destroy I found his early ganks quite good.
Maoki has great early ganks with Twisted Advance and Arcance Smash.
Amumu has quite good early ganks due to his bandage toss, a ranged snare that pulls him toward enemy champions.

Also Udyr's ganks aren't too great. Kited all fucking day >:( (Either that or I'm just shit with him and can never land the bear stance stun, ending up running around the bush in turtle stance wondering why they aren't stopping)

Warwick's early game ganks are especially prominent as he's the best jungler in the game - not only is his clear time about 45 minutes but if he tries to gank before 6 he has 0 CC. That's right 0. It's funny because people still jungle him all the time.

Originally Posted by Ed View Post
What would you guys recommend for a good AP carry that uses mana.

That uses a lot of mana? Well Ryze scales off mana. Cassiopeia, Veigar, Anivia, Brand., to name a few off the top of my head - all mids that cause you to hug your tower for the duration of their blue buff.
Last edited by SpmSL; Apr 15, 2012 at 09:21 AM.
yeah... i went in soloq (THE HORROR) jungled lee sin... 3/4/12 mainly cause we had no dedicated tank so i said "fuck it, i'll tank and jungle so screw you all <3" and we won.

fucking yeah.

btw, 3/4/12 was my ending score unless you're retarded and didn't get that. in the nicest possible way.
Originally Posted by Przero View Post
yeah... i went in soloq (THE HORROR) jungled lee sin... 3/4/12 mainly cause we had no dedicated tank so i said "fuck it, i'll tank and jungle so screw you all <3" and we won.

fucking yeah.

btw, 3/4/12 was my ending score unless you're retarded and didn't get that. in the nicest possible way.

That will change very soon. Have fun raging during your attempt of climbing out of the 1200s.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
That will change very soon. Have fun raging during your attempt of climbing out of the 1200s.

wise words
i am currently doing that, almost 1300
started from 1000
really frustrating sometimes btw
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Haha, sounds good man.

Also I've still to get out of ELO hell - I gave up after 3/4 games, gonna wait until I get good enough to consistently carry at least 2 feeders and have a good idea of counterpicks and such.

Would anyone be able to give me a bit of advice here -
I need a good idea of what to build on Warwick. I've never been good at building champs like him.

So far I've got - (solo top)
Start boots three potions. Stay in until you get 1600 for first back, spend that on an early wriggles to help with farming, a free ward and abusing his natural life steal to grant bullshit-ridiculous-sustain.
Next I go for Berskers Greaves then a Frozen Mallet - the Perma slow combined with blood scent makes sure no-one can escape you, the attack speed at this point should be fast enough to need the enemy to be slowed for you to hit at maximum speed. Also tankiness + damage = pro warwick.

After that I have no idea what to get D:
That game I got a Randuins, Atmogs and a Wits End, selling my Wriggles for a blood thirster, though somehow a few of these don't feel right on him. What I'm generally going for is Tanky DPS.

Any help?
Last edited by SpmSL; Apr 15, 2012 at 10:34 AM. Reason: Got Wits End not TF, second game got Atmas over PD
Your warwick build sucks.
A much better build would be.
Start dorans ring, go boots(treds/tabi based on their damage) then glacial shroud followed by a wits end. ( Or just a wits end first if you need it ) Wits end and frozen heart make you almost un killable and you do shit loads of damage. I'm yet to lose a lane top as warwick and im 1500.
Originally Posted by SpmSL View Post
Haha, sounds good man.

Also I've still to get out of ELO hell - I gave up after 3/4 games, gonna wait until I get good enough to consistently carry at least 2 feeders and have a good idea of counterpicks and such.

Would anyone be able to give me a bit of advice here -
I need a good idea of what to build on Warwick. I've never been good at building champs like him.

So far I've got - (solo top)
Start boots three potions. Stay in until you get 1600 for first back, spend that on an early wriggles to help with farming, a free ward and abusing his natural life steal to grant bullshit-ridiculous-sustain.
Next I go for Berskers Greaves then a Frozen Mallet - the Perma slow combined with blood scent makes sure no-one can escape you, the attack speed at this point should be fast enough to need the enemy to be slowed for you to hit at maximum speed. Also tankiness + damage = pro warwick.

After that I have no idea what to get D:
That game I got a Randuins, a Phantom Dancer and a trinity force, selling my Wriggles for a blood thirster, though somehow a few of these don't feel right on him.

Any help?

Never get berserker's greaves on warwick, it's so useless it's making me rip my hair off when i see people building that, ww with his W mid-lategame gets to 2.0 attack speed, same for phandom dancer, if you get phantom dancer on warwick you deserve to be flamed to death, bloodthrister isn't that necessary,
my build : wriggles, mercury's treads(or sorc boots if you feel like it), wit's end, madreds(you can sell wriggles but i usually keep it because why not, or you can not build wriggles and jump at this at first), now it's all situational, you can get maw of mortilius if you feel like it, guardian angel

this is all arguable, didnt play ww in a while too, so people might disagree, but at all the ranked games i play(duoq and teams) this build makes me win 8/10 of ww games or so, it's all effective for me.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
I think I edited my post while you guys were posting your responses, though both were great. (I changed it to the shit I got in my second game as opposed to the build in my first)

Glacial Shroud/Frozen heart would be great on WW, thanks man. Also Dorans Ring is great for starting.

Right, no berserkers or PD then.
And yeah, Bloodthirster isn't really necessary, hence why I only replace wriggles with it late game as a last item.

Thanks again :D Gonna try out some shit with him tomorrow.