Haha, sounds good man.
Also I've still to get out of ELO hell - I gave up after 3/4 games, gonna wait until I get good enough to consistently carry at least 2 feeders and have a good idea of counterpicks and such.
Would anyone be able to give me a bit of advice here -
I need a good idea of what to build on Warwick. I've never been good at building champs like him.
So far I've got - (solo top)
Start boots three potions. Stay in until you get 1600 for first back, spend that on an early wriggles to help with farming, a free ward and abusing his natural life steal to grant bullshit-ridiculous-sustain.
Next I go for Berskers Greaves then a Frozen Mallet - the Perma slow combined with blood scent makes sure no-one can escape you, the attack speed at this point should be fast enough to need the enemy to be slowed for you to hit at maximum speed. Also tankiness + damage = pro warwick.
After that I have no idea what to get D:
That game I got a Randuins, Atmogs and a Wits End, selling my Wriggles for a blood thirster, though somehow a few of these don't feel right on him. What I'm generally going for is Tanky DPS.
Any help?
Last edited by SpmSL; Apr 15, 2012 at 10:34 AM.
Reason: Got Wits End not TF, second game got Atmas over PD