Abstract and unordinary.
Something that doesn't feel just right but turns out to be epic.

(lolwut did i say) (did i just type som random shit?!)
<@Scorp> koor i love you
You call that random shit??
Here's what our teacher told us to sing:
Peel, banana, Peel, Peel banana
Eat, banana, Eat, Eat, banana
Shake, banana, shake, shake banana

Anyways, classes are suspended today ( ) Because there's a typhoon.

Some secret of mine

Bet you didn't know, this is a signature
Originally Posted by raddemon9 View Post
You call that random shit??
Here's what our teacher told us to sing:
Peel, banana, Peel, Peel banana
Eat, banana, Eat, Eat, banana
Shake, banana, shake, shake banana

Anyways, classes are suspended today ( ) Because there's a typhoon.

You're teacher is... cool xDD
Originally Posted by LatinBlade View Post
Lol, that sounds like

" I'm gonna pawnch you in da face bitch!
*5 secs after*
Hey man how are you going?see ya later"

Couldn't agree more....
anyway Rad how coincidence my teacher sang that song too in class and got suspended
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
seriously? There are multiple teachers like this? I've never heard of this, so I must be doing something wrong ^^

neither am i i though only my teacher love that song
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Hempel View Post
You're teacher is... cool xDD

Damn, I missed my drug dealer...
Did he tell anyone when he is going to post again? D:
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