Have heard great things about you so it should be a yes from me.
Although I would like to test you ingame(pretty much everyone would) before We officialy let you join.
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby
Belt: 7th Dan Black Belt.
Preferred Mods: TK!
Referrals (if any): Nope.
Previous Clans: DAv, YES, Raid.
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): 2 Bump Infractions.
Talents(Tb related): I'm fairly good at making avvys and recoloring sets.
What you will bring to the clan: I will bring skill to this clan and presents to this clan.
Other stuff we have to know: I have prime? My real name is Liam. lol
You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below) 1-5 aren't on this PC but look in the TkL thread for more of my domination station set