KOTBOLT, I'm not immature for start, I have enough toricredits, and I have not much time in real life, but I still have enough time to earn some respect for the clan. And listen, If you would respect yourself, you wouldn't just stand there and be neutral to everything what's going on, and be a part of our clan, defend it. You know why we are still alive?
Because we are like a brotherhood. We defend our property and our rights. Not like Atlantic or some others. If you're going to be neutral, you have nothing to do with our clan.
Castra, I'm not raging cause of that anymore, might have raged like after 20 minutes I lost after that. I have respect for myself and if you don't know what it means at all, think wisely about it. Cause as I see, you're just afraid now. Just like a pussy. Even if I lose, people wont be neutral to me and my clan. Look at you, you're not neutral to me, that means I'm succeeding with my aim.
By the way, if I was pathetic, I would cry like a baby out here... sigh, unfortionately for you, I don't.
And one more thing - never, simply never tell me, what to do, hate that.
Last edited by Lexx; Apr 11, 2011 at 07:53 PM.