View Poll Results: Which of Nikag's text effect should we use for the video?
Option 1 (itsbruce)
2 Votes / 11.11%
Option 2 (dagreja)
2 Votes / 11.11%
Option 3 (theultimatum)
14 Votes / 77.78%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Yeah we all need pics. I say yes if you improve grammar. Putting Recruitment link in the DSC. I'll be ingame soon if my internet stops being mentally ill.....
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
Originally Posted by Njme1 View Post
If anyoune would like to play in-game /jo fyre

Nj, again this is spam. At least talk about the applicants or something. BTW, we are in /jo FyreSpar.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
Alright. I'm applying for a promotion. I've been in this clan(i was in Pulse before Fyre was made) for around a month. I've donated 9000 TC(which is a lot to me. I've only really made around 18000.) I think I've contributed to clan discussions often and I'm active in the forum and in game almost every day. I also try to participate in clan wars as much as i can. If promoted, promote me to whatever rank you find appropriate. I'm just kinda tired of seeing myself at the bottom of the pile.
I say yes. Dag really deserves a promotion. He has never once even said anything bad about anyone. He is very well deserving of a promotion especially since he is a low rank in the clan and has always been with us.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
I have to agree. You really deserve a promotion. I'll just promote you right now. Grats to you.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Wow, bad timing for me to ask for a promotion, but since I don't care what others think I'm going for it. I'd like to apply for what ever rank you choose for me, because I'm at the very bottom. Well, attributes I'll try to be modest, I'm active on forum 10/10, in-game 9/10 I've donated almost 80k, I've gave my time to this clans first steps in the user bar section. And I'd have to say...I could try to woop all of ya, any time any where ( Not in real life, kaz's a beast! )
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again