Originally Posted by nicoolasw
And yeah the english is communicable, isnt it?

Yes it is.
Originally Posted by Tart
fuckoff, was that understandable?

Yes it was.
Apparently you don't understand what tart means by FUCK OFF so, allow me to explain.
FUCK OFF and then don't come back, thanks

Tarte: that was what I was going to say
Tim: sux
Tarte: as in, "if it was understandable, why are you still here"
* MMDES222 ([email protected]) has joined #support
[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me
Yes, I understood what he meant, just answered the question. Okay, I saw that I am not welcome. Like you, Tim, added us as allies, I felt free to post here, but anyway...
Last edited by Morbid; Jul 26, 2012 at 07:38 PM.
Originally Posted by Tart View Post
You "mite" start to learn some English too.

That isn't the way we treat people Tart, its just not.
That was just rude.
ehrm, does not seem like the best point to say this but, I just hit 3000 subscribers on youtube today
Felt like sharing! :3


* MMDES222 ([email protected]) has joined #support
[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me
We've never had a spirit in our boards, what's it like, being a spirit and all that?
* MMDES222 ([email protected]) has joined #support
[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me