Originally Posted by
Hi guys, I am really sick. Last night, I puked a lot. It was nasty as hell. I drove to the pharmacy to find out what is wrong with me, and they said to come back soon because they are trying to figure it out.
Anyways, nice replays Sackin! Loved them!
And I also am really excited about the clan being discussed!
aw that sucks bro. hope you feel better! and thanks!
Originally Posted by
LOL that's epic my mom would just have punched me or said fuck u you do it yea i mom its kinda what you call a female dog u know lol
Lol my mom would have cleaned it up without me even knowing. She's awesome
Originally Posted by
i like the head chuck again lol and i also have no idea wtf you said for the first post you did "someone has to put a bounty on you (ingame) on the forums you set a signature"i have no idea wtf you mean lol
Thanks. romn4 asked "how do you get text underneath your name" so i said;
someone sets a bounty on you. to get something underneath your post, you set a signature. you know.
Originally Posted by
Lol i would play a little and help you out but my ISPs are bitching about how much I download, and have put me on this
SQL shit. Which means I'm on limits or something which is bullshit because I'm paying.
yeah, I'm pretty sick too, this is like the the third time in the past month.
aw this sucks! everyone is sick! I'm gonna end up getting it too, cus my luck likes to be that way. FML
Originally Posted by
Haha, yeah, I told her to clean the shit up, because she was the only one in the house.
I pretty much always say that when I am sick. LOL
Anyways, I am trying to get in tournaments, but a lot of times they beat me.
I don't even know why rich people need 500 toricredits O_O
Cus rich people are annoying, like they are like: "oh poor me, i only have 1 kajillion tc, i need to Pwn all the poor people to get the 500tc"
Last edited by SackinB; Dec 7, 2013 at 11:37 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump