That first replay is incorrect, ignore that, it sucks really bad. It should be this one that I think sucks less...
Attached Files
Bagle- Recrudescense v2.rpl (268.2 KB, 5 views)


Real Name: Manas Shah
Age: most of you already know, and you don't read this anyways, but 12
Belt (3rd Dan Black Belt or higher): Black. almost 2nd dan. (I always play with people like dime and the rest of you doods, so I never really belt up.)
Steam Name (optional): Mater5001
Skype Name (optional): i will make one when we decide to use skype.
Why do you want to join (go into detail!): I want to join because warhead is an amazing clan. I have also been trying to get in for 4 months. Just fyi.
What can you offer WarHead? (Skills, Humor, art, etc... Please show proof of this! If it's "Humor", I want a really good joke.): my determination level is over nine thousand.
Something interesting about you: I can program.
What aren't you... Tell us the things you absolutely aren't: A potato. Dimebag77. a Pro. the letter a. ago. a dike. a dick. a thingy. a poop. a fart. a kdhgalygh. etc.
Do you know someone in the clan/recommended by someone?: Dimebag77, budsi2727, the7thvoid, etc etc.
Previous clans?: Warhead, the unleashed, legion, idk. <literally a clan
Time zone: idk idgaf
Previous names/alt accounts?: none
In-game activity on a scale of 1-10: 9
Forum activity on a scale of 1-10: 8
Please Type "WarHead is the best" as creatively possible 3 times:
warhead is the best warhead is the best warhead is the best
Player card (optional... but recommended):
Attached Files
bitch pls.rpl (38.2 KB, 2 views)
dat decap doe.rpl (38.6 KB, 2 views)
getnubsed.rpl (41.3 KB, 2 views)
cut in half biutch.rpl (65.6 KB, 3 views)
laayuswdtga.rpl (150.5 KB, 2 views)
lawl.rpl (63.2 KB, 2 views)
badass.rpl (77.3 KB, 2 views)
I hate all of you.
Originally Posted by budsi2727 View Post
.-. idk idrc. I think what we should do is let him in and stuff but like train him and stuff.

Been there done that. Remember that Dime's apprentice thing that we did? Yeah. That.
I hate all of you.