Since grade 7 I started doing homework 7.00 am in the morning. Just before school. Afternoons are too good to shred them with homework.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Guv_na: It got reeaaally Easy, now with G8 ( 8 Years Highest schoolgrade instead of 9) you have much more stuff to do, and Teachers have to correct more, so they get pissed off, smoke more, get Ill more often( I had like just 10 Geography lessons this complete schoolyear) and so on.
They jus have time anymore, also teachers are mostly lazy in all the schools I know
8th grader here...
this stalling of homework seems to work like a hivemind. for me it started at the beginning of 8th grade. i still get good enough grades whereas i pass, but maths fails. it all started after i got that new teacher for maths... -_-