Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
Another thing: Never slap her with your wiener. It is not only unpleasant for her but it will be embarrassing.


ALWAYS do this. beat her with your penis. Slap her in the face, on the body, on the toe (see earlier post), and beat her as hard as possible with your manhood until she submits to your overwhelming power.
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
Yeah, because black girls differ that much from white/yellow/red/brown/beige/blue girls. :|

How politically correct and naive of you.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by SpitFire619 View Post
so wile u fuck her hold her toe?

Don't listen to anything h4rl3quin has said.
It's all lies
Bro, good luck to you. Going on an actual date, with a girl. I have never been on a "date", it seems way american. I just asked the girl out, and she said yes. So now we are bf/gf and we lived happily ever after. As for your date, talk to her, just be friendly. If you try to hard it will show, you might fuck up what you say or something, so just shill out and enjoy you're evening.

Jalis, how old are you? How can you determine the age of the people posting here?
Metro: that spitfire person sed he was 10 and he was giving dating advise lol.

We should all listen to RedDevil, after all he is 38.

LIAR. I'm only 11 years younger than that, you spongeheaded bastard. ~RedDevil
Last edited by RedDevil; Jul 7, 2009 at 01:20 PM.
Things have changed since he was a whippersnapper picking up the ladies lollol
Girls nowadays are all about toe rubbing and penis slapping. Or so I'm told XD.

Last edited by RedDevil; Jul 7, 2009 at 01:22 PM.

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~ Gal
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.