I dont have a clue what
hmm, I suggest that we include a voting system.
yay or nay: if you get three yay's, you're replay is in. if you get 2 nays, you're replay is not in. if you're replay gets one nay from me, dirt and cat, you're replay is not in. why cat haz teh power, is because he is the one that plays the most SP except for meh.
also, I made this replay...


EDIT: Oh i get yah.
Last edited by Dirtnapp; Aug 31, 2009 at 09:28 PM.
i know but if you say it its out by FIRST TIME and when i say it someone other have to say it too that it goes out!
lol no cauz its not fair for us your too a person okay your the leader but if everyone in this clan dont respect every person like the same, i am out.

Edit: yes you get more respect cauz your the leader T_T XD
Last edited by Cobra; Aug 31, 2009 at 10:15 PM.
Rofl ofcoarse i did I Love you all This Clan Seems To Have A "family" like Atmosphere around it. So i dont wanna lose any clan members but yes everyone is entitled to a vote.
I KNOWW but i mean like yes hes the leader but everyone have to get the same respect respect is good ^^

Edit: I NEVER AND NEVER wanna leave Reacti0n again ^^
Last edited by Cobra; Sep 1, 2009 at 04:48 PM.