IM ALWAYS HERE! Accept that, you will never escape the wrath of [Omega]Antikilleh!

Edit: I never edited Anything! Mohahaha! .

Edit: Lol im funny

You know that sick feeling you get when you meet a girl who thinks its funny when she farts because her self image is overated by her revolting ego....

I mean uh.... Welcome!

-disclaimer- No offense I'm just a polite and contributive member of society with a bad sense of humor. And I don't have issues with any of my Ex's... damn bitch-
Last edited by KungFuJC; Sep 9, 2009 at 09:39 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Originally Posted by KungFuJC View Post
You know that sick feeling you get when you meet a girl who thinks its funny when she farts because her self image is overated by her revolting ego....

I mean uh.... Welcome!

i lolīd
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
I came back from Allgarve yesterday. I will go to weekend holiday (3 days) then i start school at tuesday.
Lol the edits was a joke of mine. and Im the Antikilleh
The soul should fly from me, and i will turn into an brutish beast -Marlowe, Dr. Faustus
there will be some serious kicking in this clan for those who did not post here
Ok. 'tis the 12th of september. A lot of member have not posted here yet. I will edit my post with a list in a sec

EDIT: These members have not posted. I will pm them, and if the do not reply withing 24 hours, they are officialy out of Omega.

Last edited by BirdFlu; Sep 12, 2009 at 12:31 PM.
Quit, probably.