Carloz no. Here is EXACTLY what I want on the head. The hat is fine. I wanted at least 1 eye to show. and the hair is fine.
I ♥ BenDover
cant you??D:! xd I'll remake the hat

can you see the eyes now?
Last edited by carloz01; Oct 26, 2009 at 10:02 PM.
Best signature ever.
Headphones?(cost extra 1k to Request):yes
Dj headPhones?(extra 1.5k to Request):no
Hair Color:demon red
Hat color(cost extra 1k plus logo cost extra 500 tc):no
Eye Color:demon
HeadPhones/Dj Headphones color: Grey with Acid Lining
Anything Else(everything thing u add on is and extra 500tc to request)scar along face and i need you to also put blood dripping down right eye