1)Cleverbot conversation was only suppose to be 20-40 lines. You exceeded that limit. Here's a list of what I seen wrong with your dialogue:
Line 2-
(You used the wrong punctuation.)
User: How Do You Do.
Line 14-
(You used "your" instead of "you're".)
(forgot coma)
User: Your called cleverbot but your stupid.
Line 18-
(You made cleverbot talk to himself!)
Cleverbot: I am not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am. It is just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.
Line 19-
(You made cleverbot talk to himself!)
Cleverbot: How are you?
Line 22-
(You made cleverbot talk to himself!)
Cleverbot: Are you real?
Line 25-
(You used "your" instead of "you're".)
User: Yes...but your not.
Line 31-
(You used "u".)
User: Not tellin u.
Line 39-
(You used "ur".)
User: Ur stupid.
Line 41-
(You used "a" instead of "an".)
User: A alien..
Line 53-
(You used "ur".)
(Used all caps)
User: UR DUMB.
Line 55-
(You used "ur".)
(Used all caps)
User: UR DUMB.
Line 49-
(There's no apostrophe.)
User: Dont go.
Line 57-
(You made cleverbot talk to himself!)
Cleverbot: You're right, you're very right.(Cleverbot used "you're")
2) You didn't take the personality test...
3) Those are not essay answers, are they? No, they're not. Here's a list of what I found wrong with it:
a) You forgot your pronoun, capitalized every word, and didn't use any punctuation.
b)It's just an unacceptable answer. You spelled because wrong.
c)You capitalized every word again, and that is not what that was meant for but thank you.
d)You cannot skip over questions.
You didn't seem to take this very serious. I say he fails. But, being the just leader I am, I will wait for either jc or fc to second my decision.
Last edited by TomPaine; Dec 21, 2009 at 06:25 PM.