Lol, you copied my idea with naming the Replays ;)
amazinrobowalktouke: Don't have mod, 0/10 xP
Automatisch: Stiff and symmetrical 3/10
das ist es: A bit grabby, but very destructive and I like that spin/pose at the end, 8/10
Hampa Decap: It's okay, 5/10
Hobby: Just Wushu Opener hit, 3/10
kickstyler_robotostyle: No mod... 0/10
langsam schlampe: good old garkin style and I lol'd at it :'D 8/10
lol: Um... Yeah 5/10
maga_kick: The kick looks beautiful, but only arm DM, so 6.5/10
nedit: Lags at the end 4/10
sss: And again, fully garkin-style^^ 8/10
supspinn_head: Omg lol? No Rating because it's fun-replay
WaM_pose1: Pose is pretty good, 7/10
wow: I smell the instagibz! 3/10
And now mah newest Replay...