But what about all the natuaral disasters happening in the earth the earth quakes water levels rising what if the earth is heating? What then
Originally Posted by rhyz View Post
But what about all the natuaral disasters happening in the earth the earth quakes


earthquakes≠anything relevant to the topic. Please learn grade 6 science before you post.

Originally Posted by rhyz View Post
what if the earth is heating? What then

Nobody can possibly know what to believe. Except those lying scientists.

Originally Posted by River0fRed View Post
it is a lie,
temperatures have dropped below freezing all over the U.S., it snowed in Texas, theres frost in miami, and the bayous are frozen in Louisianna.

google: la niņa weather pattern.
gee thanks
Last edited by mikotaku; Jan 12, 2010 at 11:16 PM.
I love you
Originally Posted by Blam View Post

It's incredibly hard to decide what to believe

Read the emails yourself - they're talking about finding out temperature data from a tree ring source which is quite unreliable in that e-mail with the "trick"
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Originally Posted by River0fRed View Post
it is a lie,
temperatures have dropped below freezing all over the U.S., it snowed in Texas, theres frost in miami, and the bayous are frozen in Louisianna.

Ughh, you're so naive. Because the earth has one cold winter does not mean that long term global warming doesn't exist. It's like saying:

(Scientists are saying farts smell bad, while they have all the scientific evidence in the world to prove so, I once smelt a good fart, so they are lying.)

the god
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
Ughh, you're so naive. Because the earth has one cold winter does not mean that long term global warming doesn't exist. It's like saying:

(Scientists are saying farts smell bad, while they have all the scientific evidence in the world to prove so, I once smelt a good fart, so they are lying.)


But he is right... Lets go for the facts. Actually the temperatures have been going down lately on a global scale. It has to do with the solar activity (nothing to do with the so called anthropogenic global warming side-effects). Solar spots have been seen less lately, that means less activity = lower temperature on earth. Galileo was the first to discover these sun spots, they're "coronal mass ejections".

I haven't seen any these environmentalists talk about that, which is odd because any decent investigation requires all the ingredients to be take into account... instead it looks more like a cult where any scientist trying to do what they're supposed to do - being skeptical and constantly searching for proof through the so called empiric scientific method - are constantly accused of being deniers, like if they were impious or some shit like that.
But the fact is that Heinrich Schwabe found out that the sun had cycles of lesser activity every 11 years. Later Einstein confirmed it too.. Every 11 years the earth goes through a slightly cooling period that has nothing to do with the ice ages. And this is what's happing right now. We're on that period, temperatures will be lower just like they were when Napoleon invaded Russia as well as when Hitler invaded Russia.

More information:

Still don't trust me? Then read the last phrase on this article from 2003:
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Jan 13, 2010 at 04:52 AM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
The cycle of the sun and the excessive CO2 output causing the greenhouse effect are different things.
the god
I checked NASA's website and they say the ten warmest years since they began recording have been in the 1997-2008 period. If the sun's supposed to be cooling maybe that'll reverse.
Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.
You've got to remember though that NASA hasn't been recording temperatures for a long time. The earth is 4 billion years old, NASA's been recording temperatures for only 100 or so years of that.
What I'm trying to say is that it is quite possible that this whole 'global warming' is just one of thousands of climate changes that have affected the Earth. And if the Earth managed to survive those I don't see any reason in panicking over this latest one.

mmmm,very interesting,,Global Warming and such,,an important (hidden)fact seems to be missing,
Oil is ,,,or was a main component to the earths structure,temp,ect,,and what did the ppl do,we sucked it out and burnt it. And all of the oil company's fill the leftover holes with the stuff they cant is a sure bet,that we have started something we cannot fix,,ever,,,,as someone said,4 billion years the earth has been here,and surely enough,,we have changed more,,or seen more change,,in 200 years,than any other time,,the Romans were here for roughly 2000 years and never saw or noted such dramatic changes,,as we know anyway,,,but yea,is this true or not,we will never know,,,and if we did,what can u do, nothing,,just hang ,,cause the next ten years are gonna be bumpy.

It's not Global Warming or changing,,it's Human Error.,,,,but,each to there own,,
My computer beats me at chess,but not at boxing!