Original Post
Real Gentlemen's competition! do a replay killing uke as nicely as possible
welcome in our first replay competition!

objective :

you have to bring uke's total body count to four , but make it as gentlemanly as possible.

rules :
no stealing, hacking.
mod classic,
you can set any matchframes/turnframes as you wish.
just one entry by person, you can change it if you want.
uke's body needs to be dismembered to 4 parts


Miska, Marco,Virtue, Fargle, Muffindo,Alphonse, Meamme0
- Our beautiful Club Leaders and ORMO Gentlemens

we will judge your style, moves naturality, but the most important is overall effect,
we want to see that your tori can behave well

prizes are sponsored from GentsBank. thanks for all donators.
1st 30 k
2nd 20 k
3rd 10 k

deadline is 19 january 2010 so you have 7 days from now

GoodLuck Gentlemens.
Last edited by Miska; Jan 12, 2010 at 01:13 PM.
Sly, i'm so sorry

Originally Posted by Miska View Post
rules :
no stealing, hacking.

You are disqualified and removed from TRG members,
theres no place for cheaters in this organization.
i no this question isnt related to the compitition but how do you upload replays properly because everytime i upload now i got the tb it comes up with some red writting like its a link?

can i have help?
Originally Posted by uchiha619 View Post
i no this question isnt related to the compitition but how do you upload replays properly because everytime i upload now i got the tb it comes up with some red writting like its a link?

can i have help?

Under the posting box, click Go Advanced then Manage Attatchments and choose the replay file you wish to upload.

On another note, you have but a few hours left to enter.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
FUUUUUUUCK! How did I miss this?

Im going to try to scramble something together...
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Tried to do something... I just dont understand how a brutal fight can be gentelmanish? I there were no rules for gamemode i would find a mode with pistols/revolvers and made a duel.
Anyways here is my entry!
I gave him his hand back, i think it is gentelmanish :3
Attached Files
SP gentelmen!.rpl (277.6 KB, 29 views)
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