Originally Posted by
1. Well why didnt you just come out and say that? Btw I totally agree...I just wish it wouldnt have taken me 3 pages to find out that this wasnt some giant troll shit thread.
2. You know, as much as I fancy myself to be supportive of educating people, Im not sure 7 is the right time to start. I mean, I guess I dont see how exactly it will do any harm...but eh, they are 7...
1. Demonstration is more effective than instruction (Gardner, Cambourne et al.)
2. I agree, 7 is a bit young. It's not that uncommon for girls to have their period by 7, but that sort of thing is generally handled by parents anyway (particularly the mother). At 7 it'd be virtually miraculous for boys to have even started to mature sexually. At best you could probably have girls educated about their bodily changes earlier (9 or 10 maybe?) but that would increase the exclusion of males which is already evident in sex education practically world wide. I'm not a huge advocate of this exclusion mostly due to lack of education: there are certainly foreseeable circumstances where a male with a child would need to know at least a little about it, even if these are "girl issues".
Personally, having had my first menstruation before sex education feel a little sorry for the girls who go through a similar circumstance (feeling like theres something wrong with you etc), but with education it's really ineffective to cater for the individuals rather than the masses. At best you could hope to achieve some sort of differentiation like above but still it would be fairly difficult to pull off effectively without recourse from parents.
Last edited by m0o; Feb 5, 2010 at 05:15 PM.