Regardless of percentages, I still think it is safe to say that the only reason we even have circumcision is because of Judaism and Christianity. So even if it is done for wholly other reasons, I dont think that it is way off base to say "this happens because it is the word of god." Personally my mother told me once that she did it "so you wouldnt be the only one who had to pull skin back at the urinal" which always makes me smile to think about.
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Also, did you know that some people actually regrow their foreskin post-circumcision?
No I did not. I would think that that would be preferable to a replacement though, and im not sure how the nerve situation with a transplant one would work.
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What the fuck is this thread? Really guys?
it's basically my penis is better than your penis.
I havent really seen any of the yet, more just debating over its cause and effects and origins and reasons for still being relevant. Obviously if this were a "my penis is better than your penis" thread, I would win until Kyat showed up. Since everyone knows Kyat has teh mega peen.