i like the demon head #1 alot...
since you can out a name on it i'd like it to say Bezurker on the back


p.s. does it cost anything...? costs money cause he makes them.....this is a pay shop...not a free one. These heads take him a long time and lots of effort
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm

Custom: Similar to Number 1... That
Description: Marine where the blue is (lol) and Acid where there is Radioactive.
Text: Where there is the Z on the back make that a V
Other: N/A

Thank you... I am ranging from 1-2k for the end result due to the fact that your work is so awesome. But I will tip you an extra 1k depending on how fast you get it to me, the tip will deduct by 100 every day that it isn't posted.
Last edited by Eckz; Dec 19, 2007 at 01:56 AM.
Ok Sorry for delas, I recently discoverd my grades were falling in two subjects so i'm trying to fix them.

I will post when i can work again but for now everything is suspended.

I'm really sorry about the inconvienience, please don't be upset.
Description: Orc Green Demon Mask
Text: None
Other:Like the Runescape demon mask things,but orc
Link: Runescape green mask thing:

I can pay 300 tc?
Last edited by Revolution; Dec 20, 2007 at 12:50 AM.
Ok Skullkid, I managed to finish, its kinda short, 50 tc ok?!?

I know its really late sorry about that, I had alot to do "=...=' but i finished


Custom: Similar to Number 1... That
Description: Marine where the blue is (lol) and Acid where there is Radioactive.
Text: Where there is the Z on the back make that a V
Other: N/A

Thank you... I am ranging from 1-2k for the end result due to the fact that your work is so awesome. But I will tip you an extra 1k depending on how fast you get it to me, the tip will deduct by 100 every day that it isn't posted.
