I would love to participate in a video. Sadly I have no new replays or intention on making more of them. Also you guys are much better than me in this shit anyways ;P
I would love to participate in a video. Sadly I have no new replays or intention on making more of them. Also you guys are much better than me in this shit anyways ;P
Lookin' forward to it
Pretty much what I was going to say. I'll post some of mine when I can though.
To the people that have no replays to post or don't want to make any, obviously I'll put your names in the video. Oh and you could maybe do a cool pose or get me to do one and I'll put your picture in there ;)
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time