Christmas Lottery
-local GMT-+7-Jakarta
-Game experience (months)=about 1 months
-Game experience in Wushu (months)=Not even once
-hobby (job?)-Making animations and batch files....
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
I think, u are too young in this "tori world" for us :3
but lets see what my comrades will say
-Age 10
-Sex boy
-Local GMT +8
-Game experience (months)?
-Game experience in Wushu (months)?
-Hobby (job?)playing
-Tell us a little about yourself: i live in philippines How are you cool and how you like our clan;) your clan is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy cool but no1s joining though it's cool the clan's cool.
Нет. Я не слепой и анкету его видел, и перестань флудить в прикреплённых тредах.
Почему к нам пишут заявки последнее время Молодые игроки....
Так как старые уже детей няньчат, и им не до игрушек ;)
My eyes seek reality...