[17:54] <Overdom> Yo skulfuk.
[17:54] <OverFuk> sup
[17:55] <Overdom> I interviewed you last year, how have you been since?
[17:55] <OverFuk> pretty much the same, cept older & balder :p
[17:55] <Overdom> and you are still a ninja right.
[17:55] <OverFuk> yup
[17:55] <Overdom> Any changes in your job?
[17:56] <OverFuk> i've gained a few more 'tricks' so to speak, thus the pointless item influx. other than that pretty much the same stuff
[17:56] <Overdom> Care to share a few "tricks"?
[17:57] <Overdom> or are you going to have to kill me after this?
[17:57] <OverFuk> veb's been adding more stuff for us to make things. achievements, new items etc are now available to shopadmins
[17:58] <OverFuk> as well as a lovely revert function which has managed to infuriate some users
[17:58] <Overdom> Sounds great.
[17:58] <OverFuk> i like the revert, the reactions is gets is funny
[17:58] <Overdom> This revert function, does it take care of most scams?
[17:59] <OverFuk> in a way, it saves manually chasing items, now we revert a transaction & the item jumps back to it's owner
[17:59] <OverFuk> of course if the items been sold inbetween you end up with an angry player who just lost an item
[18:00] <Overdom> So in a way, It could be used for the scam?
[18:00] <OverFuk> that's the idea, but at ties it causes more work if things have been sold on
[18:00] <OverFuk> *times
[18:00] <OverFuk> it's handy for chasing ban-bombs though XD
[18:01] <Overdom> And you said new items
[18:01] <Overdom> what's going on with that?
[18:01] <OverFuk> mostly daft stuff like cucumbers etc. they set off a war in wibbles recently which was kinda cool
[18:01] <OverFuk> my fav is the ban-bombs though
[18:02] <Overdom> Are we going to see any new things like colors or textures
[18:03] <OverFuk> we just got 512 textures, and joint textures would kill older hardware with the added memory requirements so I doubt we'll see any more of those. There's 3 unused colours in the current client, but there's no real point in adding yet another gree/blue/red etc
[18:04] <OverFuk> forum specific item have been discussed & will more than likely appear sometime soonish
[18:04] <Overdom> ooo sounds coo
[18:04] <Overdom> l
[18:04] <Overdom> And I heard that the promo team kinda screwed the economy.
[18:05] <OverFuk> yeah, badly
[18:05] <Overdom> Are you guys doing anything about that now or is this going to be....like it is?
[18:05] <OverFuk> well, i recently killed off limited edition colours (other than Alpha Imperial) so they were restocked in the shop to sink some of it
[18:06] <OverFuk> problem is users
[18:06] <Overdom> What about the users exactly?
[18:06] <OverFuk> they buy from each other so the tc just circulates rather than being removed
[18:06] <Overdom> I see... Ever think about increasing the price on things?
[18:07] <OverFuk> kinda, then we made normal textures dirt cheap to encourage spending
[18:07] <OverFuk> the 256 texts sit around the price of the old ones now
[18:08] <OverFuk> 512 are premium priced
[18:08] <Overdom> and do you think 512 is worth it?
[18:08] <Overdom> if people have 256 anyway?
[18:08] <OverFuk> totally, the detail difference is amazing if you've got a good set
[18:09] <OverFuk> 512's and RTRT looks ace
[18:09] <Overdom> sounds good.
[18:09] <Overdom> Now these forum related items
[18:09] <Overdom> What are we talking here
[18:09] <Overdom> like custom.... underlining and stuff
[18:10] <OverFuk> still very much in discussion ATM, but things like an item that enables the search function etc have been talked about
[18:10] <Overdom> or custom colors
[18:10] <OverFuk> user title colours & other profile stuff has been mentioned too
[18:10] <OverFuk> there's a lot you can do in that regard, but picking the good ideas takes time
[18:10] <OverFuk> no one wants to pay for something shite
[18:11] <Overdom> An item that enables the search?
[18:11] <Overdom> that sounds kinda
[18:11] <Overdom> Wrong
[18:11] <Overdom> I guess
[18:12] <OverFuk> it''s been talked about, the search function is pretty heavy on the server so it would give a balance between user getting something & the economy
[18:12] <Overdom> hmm ok that sounds fair
[18:13] <OverFuk> kinda like toriprime, they get sigs pics, bigger & animated avatars as well as a hidden forum which is like wibbles without the moderation
[18:14] <Overdom> That sounds good to me
[18:14] <OverFuk> yeah, they got a free upgrade ;)
[18:15] <Overdom> well that's about enough about the economy
[18:16] <Overdom> What do you think about the current mod team?
[18:16] <OverFuk> it's pretty good, kinda lazy but better than what we've had
[18:17] <Overdom> Is anyone
[18:17] <Overdom> slacking?
[18:17] <OverFuk> we've pointed the finger many times, and it's enough to get them back off their asses
[18:18] <OverFuk> things are a lot more relaxed now though
[18:19] <Overdom> So everything is going well, new items are coming, the search function is coming back soon
[18:19] <Overdom> and what do you do as a ninja?
[18:19] <OverFuk> still mostly support stuff
[18:19] <Overdom> Maning the support email?
[18:20] <OverFuk> yeah
[18:20] <OverFuk> and the constant flow of PMs
[18:20] <Overdom> busy huh
[18:20] <OverFuk> yeah, but not so busy we can't have fun at the same time
[18:21] <Overdom> Awesome.
[18:21] <OverFuk> this time last year we'd have all been sacked for stuff like that
[18:21] <Overdom> I thought last year was more fun
[18:21] <Overdom> but i guess stuff wasn't really getting done
[18:22] <OverFuk> not from our side, constant arguing, some staff being total douches (lol they got shitcanned) and being forced to behave
[18:22] <@broverrave> (gman amirite)
[18:22] <Overdom> (urite)
[18:22] <OverFuk> not specifically, but yeah
[18:23] <OverFuk> a pair of ex AT members were the main issue
[18:23] <Overdom> Ohhhhh
[18:23] <Overdom> I think i know who you are talking about.
[18:23] <OverFuk> i think everyone does
[18:23] <OverFuk> still fun to wind up chac about it all
[18:24] <Overdom> HA
[18:24] <Overdom> oh chac...
[18:24] <Overdom> he sucks
[18:24] <Overdom> but anyway
[18:24] <Overdom> Do you have anything to tell the nice people?
[18:25] <OverFuk> Contact KiTFoX - he's ignoring his PMs ATM so spam the shit outa him cos he loves it
[18:25] <Overdom> Hear that kit? Get to work faggot.
[18:25] <OverFuk> he's gonna be maaaaad (again) X'D
New items! \o/ kinda.
[18:37] <@broverrave> http://www.stonewall.novahost.org/img/kick-x.gif
[18:37] <@broverrave> slain
[18:37] <Overdom> EVERYONE SHUT UP
[18:37] <overshi> yeah.
[18:37] <Overdom> does veb wear the same shirt everyday
[18:37] <Overdom> the hell
[18:38] <Overdom> ok ok ok
[18:38] == mode/#interview [+m] by Overdom
[18:38] <Overdom> fucking
[18:38] <Overdom> broverrave opaskdoasjkd
[18:38] == mode/#interview [-m] by Overdom
[18:38] <Overdom> w/e
[18:38] <Overdom> k sprooj ready?
[18:38] <Spraj> yeah
[18:39] <Overdom> Hey sprooj.
[18:39] <Overdom> How have you been?
[18:39] <Spraj> fine
[18:39] <Spraj> it's my birthday
[18:39] <Overdom> oh happy birthday
[18:40] <Overdom> and how old are you now bro?
[18:40] <Spraj> 17
[18:40] <Overdom> didn't know I was older than you.
[18:40] <Overdom> So anyway.
[18:40] <Overdom> Last year, you were an...smod right?
[18:41] <Spraj> market mod
[18:41] <Overdom> that's right
[18:41] <Overdom> and what are you today?
[18:41] <Spraj> still a wibblescop
[18:41] <Overdom> Tell me about how you went from market to wibbles
[18:42] <Spraj> I was wibbles before market, man
[18:42] <Overdom> man ur over.
[18:42] <Overdom> are you market now?
[18:42] <Spraj> no
[18:42] <Spraj> I got fired
[18:42] <Overdom> Ok so how did you get fired?
[18:43] <Spraj> I didn't participate in the moderation process because I expected to get payed
[18:43] <Overdom> wow.
[18:43] <Spraj> dont judge, yo
[18:44] <Overdom> so how did you get market in the first place?
[18:44] <Spraj> I moderated well for a couple months
[18:44] <Overdom> Just by application?
[18:44] <Spraj> and references, yeah
[18:44] <Spraj> Novi vouched for me
[18:44] <Spraj> that's why I moderated well for several months
[18:44] <Overdom> And then you stopped because you wanted payment?
[18:44] <Spraj> but then schoolwork made it too much of a hastle to not get anything in return for
[18:45] <Overdom> ahhh
[18:45] <Overdom> I see
[18:45] <Spraj> so I let hanz0 know that my work was slipping
[18:45] <Spraj> and he let me go
[18:45] <Spraj> thankfully wibbles is a shithole and nobody cares if I only ever show up to abuse my power there
[18:45] <Overdom> Mod playground.
[18:46] <Spraj> hey, they liked me down there
[18:46] <Spraj> #1 wibblezcop
[18:46] <Overdom> totally.
[18:46] <Overdom> What was market like when you were a mod there?
[18:46] <Spraj> iirc it was right after flames entered into play
[18:46] <Spraj> so pretty unsettled
[18:47] <Overdom> I could see where you could be stressed
[18:47] <Overdom> I suppose
[18:47] <Spraj> well, I was the only market mod in my timezone who did anything
[18:47] <Overdom> Do you think you could moderate market again?
[18:47] <Spraj> pfft, no
[18:48] <Spraj> I hardly visit the forums
[18:48] <Overdom> is schoolwork the reason you "left"
[18:49] <Spraj> left the forums or moderating?
[18:49] <Overdom> left the forums.
[18:49] <Spraj> no
[18:50] <Spraj> I got kicked out of sigma and lost interest
[18:50] <Spraj> that's why I usually leave forums
[18:50] <Overdom> Kicked from sigma, kicked from market.
[18:50] <Spraj> I was a part of a halo clan for a year or two, then got booted from that and came to toribash
[18:50] <Overdom> you had a pretty rough ride.
[18:50] <Spraj> then I got kicked from sigma and went off to a different website
[18:50] <Spraj> which has been good to me
[18:51] <Overdom> Well i hope that site is going to be good to you for a long time.
[18:51] <Overdom> do you have anything to add?
[18:51] <Spraj> goats and hos
[18:51] <Overdom> good
Don't judge yo.
[11:31] <@ChrisDom> Carl.
[11:31] <+carl> ChrisDom.
[11:31] <@ChrisDom> You are a more recent smod right?
[11:31] <+carl> corrcet.
[11:31] <@ChrisDom> How'd you get there?
[11:31] <+carl> I can't type for shit >_>
[11:31] <+carl> well
[11:31] <+carl> kit queried me once about infraction activity
[11:32] <+carl> and i was then told an smod was needed for western europe
[11:32] <+carl> where i happen to be
[11:32] <+carl> a few days later, i was added.
[11:32] <@ChrisDom> Power by location
[11:32] <+carl> kinda
[11:32] <@ChrisDom> you lucky dog
[11:32] <@ChrisDom> or are you?
[11:32] <@ChrisDom> do you enjoy it?
[11:32] <+carl> 'pparently I'd been doing good work with msquad
[11:33] <+carl> yeah, i enjoy it.
[11:33] <+carl> it's nice to be able to have some impact upon the community.
[11:33] <+carl> in a good way.
[11:33] <@ChrisDom> Did you do anything before smod?
[11:33] <+carl> market squad and gamekeeper
[11:33] <+carl> and unibash teacher
[11:33] <+carl> which kinda flopped
[11:34] <@ChrisDom> ooo what was unibash like?
[11:34] <@ChrisDom> I thought that would fail fairly quick
[11:34] <+carl> it was basically a place for new players to learn the basics of all the aspects of tb
[11:34] <+carl> but there wasn't much activity in my market class
[11:34] <+carl> so i gave up
[11:34] <+carl> it did really.
[11:34] * Zinx is now known as afkinx
[11:35] * afkinx is now known as CARLSBIGGESTFANYO
[11:35] <@ChrisDom> So now, what do you think of smod?
[11:35] <@ChrisDom> Is it better than what you were doing?
[11:35] * ChrisDom sets mode +b *!*@27F4846F.85E868B9.E2E4E742.IP for #interview
[11:35] * CARLSBIGGESTFANYO was kicked by ChrisDom ([email protected]) Reason (huehue)
[11:35] <+carl> it's pretty much the same as market squad, but in every board.
[11:35] <+carl> as well as the ability to check IPs etc
[11:36] <@ChrisDom> for frauds eh
[11:36] <+carl> things like that, yeah.
[11:36] <+carl> and I wouldn't have said it was better or worse than what i was doing
[11:36] <@ChrisDom> mmmhmmm
[11:36] <@ChrisDom> And what do you think about your team?
[11:37] <+carl> the team's brilliant apart from a few lazy people
[11:37] <+carl> red is generously endowed :O
[11:37] <@ChrisDom> lazy people?
[11:37] <@ChrisDom> like whooooooo
[11:37] <+carl> people that don't pull their weight so much
[11:37] * carl is not going to point any fingers
[11:37] <@ChrisDom> ahhh you're no fun
[11:37] <@ChrisDom> how about a hint
[11:38] * Blam is now known as CHRISNEEDSTOEDITTHISOUT
[11:38] * CHRISNEEDSTOEDITTHISOUT is now known as BLam
[11:38] <+carl> ...they have a blue name.
[11:38] * BLam is now known as Blam
[11:38] <@ChrisDom> well that helps
[11:38] <+carl> but we've had a wave of new blood which is good.
[11:38] <@ChrisDom> ok carl.
[11:38] <@ChrisDom> What do you think of the locals?
[11:38] <@ChrisDom> mods I mean
[11:39] <+carl> I haven't had much dealings with them tbh
[11:39] <+carl> but
[11:39] <+carl> the art mods seem to be doing well
[11:39] <+carl> from what i've seen browsing
[11:39] <@ChrisDom> Art mods hmmmmm
[11:40] <@ChrisDom> mmmk carl.
[11:40] <@ChrisDom> Do you have anything to add
[11:40] <+carl> apart from reinforcing the fact red is extremely well endowed?
[11:40] <+carl> and mapleleaf is awesome
[11:40] <+carl> (red didnt tell me to say that)
[11:40] <@ChrisDom> huehue
[11:41] <+carl> erm
Carl in market and the unibash flop.