MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)
match frames: 280
turn frames: 35,35,35,35,70,70
mod: sambo.tbm
dojotype: 1
dojosize: 350
dismember threshold: 150
fracture threshold: 80
engage distance: 170
flags: 10
damage model: 0
Island Survival Variants
match frames: 160
turnframes: 20
mod: classic
disqualification: 0
dismember threshold: 125
fracture threshold: 100
dojosize: 300
engage distance: 125
match frames: 160
turnframes: 20
mod: classic
disqualification: 0
dismember threshold: 125
fracture threshold: 100
dojosize: 300
engage distance: -125
match frames: 250
turnframes: 25
mod: classic
disqualification: 0
dismember threshold: 125
fracture threshold: 100
dojosize: 300
engage distance: 0
engage rotation: 125
all three have quick variants aswell, the differences in which are the matchframes and turnframes.
in face-to-face and back-to-back the change is to:
match frames: 200
turnframes: 40
in side-to-side the change is to:
match frames: 250
turnframes: 50
Hybrid mod #1 (otherwise unnamed)
match frames: 350
turnframes: 50,25,25,50,100,100
mod: classic
disqualification: 1
dismember threshold: 150
fracture threshold: 100
dojosize: 700
engage distance: 180
flags: 11
Hybrid mod #3 and its variants
match frames: 400
turnframes: 50,60,90,50,60,90
mod: classic
disqualification: 0
dismember threshold: 140
fracture threshold: 120
dojosize: 500
engage distance: 210
flags: 10
the first variant only changes the turnframes:
turnframes: 60,50,90,60,50,90
the second variant does the following changes:
turnframes: 50,60,45,45,60,50,90
disqualification: 1