Christmas Lottery
Well, i usually wouldnt mind if someone didnt post if they at least gave me a headsup, but he just...egh...nvm, lol, he said he quit anyways... so less shit i have to handle :O
Previous Clans:none
What can you bring to the clan?: *skills etc.* i can bring skill and comitment
Skilled most in what mods:akido ninjistu and wushu
Are you frequently active ingame: yes
In the forums?: yes
Attached Files
privjet 1.rpl (46.8 KB, 4 views)
privjet 2.rpl (66.0 KB, 4 views)
Hello. Once, the recruitment of your clan, I was able to join you, but I used it if it does not. I would like to do it now.
Belt: Brown (~170qi to black)
Rank: 1964
Previous Clans: PL-BW
What can you bring to the clan?:
Skilled most in what mods: wushu, akido...judo(?)
Are you frequently active ingame: often
In the forums?: rarely
Belt: 2dan
Rank: 144
Previous Clans: Drones
What can you bring to the clan?: * .* skills etc. I want to bring growth and strength to the clan.
Skilled in what most mods: Aikido, Taekkyon
Are you frequently activate ingame:yes
In the forums?: yes, but when the forum was hacked, my posts were deleted and have to start all over again: