umm im wondering what are you guys favorite features about this beta thing?

i like the +5 toricredits won! ## wins till (black, brown, 2nd dan) belt! after you win.
I was wondering if anyone can see textures in this version? cause i cant see them over beta.

shit sorry about the double post....
Last edited by Anesthetik; Jan 13, 2008 at 04:45 PM.
It's the reason that [FSN] doesn't have a server, because it chews up hampa's bandwidth, or at least that's what MBK told me.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
Damn you, MacBook!
When I tell you to learn how to run .exe files, RUN .EXE FILES!
Guess it's a wait for me :P Sounds AMAZING though. Like driving barefoot, or raspberry Yoplait.
I can hear chants and incantations and some guy is mentionin' me in his prayers / I don't know what it is but there's definitely something going on upstairs