Youtube up "redstone logic gates" Once you know how gates work, you can use them together, and use different mechanisms to make different thigns. Like for example, a very, very simple combination lock can be made in maybe 10 minutes if you know how to use NOT gates correctly.
Ooh, neat. I'll look that up.

Also, have you ever built a castle? I know most have. I mean like old-fashioned Victorian Castle. I am right now, and it's coming out to look like a church with a biiiig red carpet down the middle.
Tubby Tubba's Tubby Textures!
Cheap, Decent Cartoon Heads!
Yeah, I built a pretty large one a while ago, but i lost the save file and the pictures of it.
I'm turning mine into a story adventure/short puzzle thing.

IF you want, I'll send it to you when its done.
Tubby Tubba's Tubby Textures!
Cheap, Decent Cartoon Heads!
so yeah i was running acrost some clan to check what there like to see if i can learn something about clans. and i saw that your having some difficulties with a minecraft server. I know how to make a SMP sever and i can keep it running day and night for you guys. accept?
Wombo Combooooooo
Could I play on it wiff you guys? I know I'm not in your clan, but my clan's server only runs well on some days, and I'm usually not on when they are. I'm an American in a mostly Australian clan.
Tubby Tubba's Tubby Textures!
Cheap, Decent Cartoon Heads!
All you guys would need to do is download hamachi(simple to use and no viruses). you can all play with eachother and i might hop on some times.
Wombo Combooooooo