Because i believe in aliens your considering me crazy and i watch to many movies. For your info, yes, i watch shitloads of movies, but unlike your statement, hardly any on aliens. Think about it, theres billions of GALAXIES, each with who knows how many planets, whos to say there not millions upon millions of galaxies away. You argue they dont exist because we havnt seen em, Who says we havnt ? (Going nerd here) Who says they arnt living among us now (like Men In Black)
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." ...Mark Twain
Of course there are aliens. They move from Asia, Mexico, Canada, etc. into America (or Americans move out there and become aliens to them). Now, extra-terestrial beings, that's still a question. Personally, I believe that there are [E.T.s]. I believe that they have visited Earth and are living among us. What I do not believe though is that they're the horrible, killing monster-demons everyone makes them out to be. I actually think they have been helping us out through our years of exsistance. If you think about it, look how fast our technology has advanced (may not seem fast in the short-term, but thinking in the long-term). Within less than 50 years, we've gone from little blocks moving up and down our televisions to near-realistic characters acting at our will through vast, virtual inviroment. Within less than 100 years, we've gone from soundless black-and-white motion pictures to completely colored, with audio, 3D movies. I'm a Christian (my own little branch called Rajism), so yes, I believe there is a God, an Almighty Power. But you also have to believe that we CAN'T be the only lifeforms in this infinite universe of ours. Hell, for all we know, we could be the [E.T.s]. I'm just saying...
well there was a race of aliens called the lumariens to say that they was the first to come on this planet. There are also the sumariens and they say they came on this planet with the lumariens. I belieave in aliens and yes I belieave they visted here.
In such a large universe I think the fact that we exist can be taken as proof that aliens do exist. There is no need to say that we are the only living organisms.

However, odds are if we do find aliens they will be closer to animals than humans, and odds are they will be closer to bacteria than to animals.

However, finding anything at all will be a massive breakthrough and will further science an immense amount.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
In such a large universe I think the fact that we exist can be taken as proof that aliens do exist. There is no need to say that we are the only living organisms.

However, odds are if we do find aliens they will be closer to animals than humans, and odds are they will be closer to bacteria than to animals.

However, finding anything at all will be a massive breakthrough and will further science an immense amount.

You never know, Just because it's possible for life to develop it doesn't mean it will happen or has happened.

How are we to determine what life on other planets would look like? Maybe they evolved completely differently to face the challenges of the environment.
Aye, but it is unrealistic to think they will be as complex as us.

Besides that, our universe is sufficently large that it is safe to assume that there is life somewhere.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Aye, but it is unrealistic to think they will be as complex as us.

Besides that, our universe is sufficently large that it is safe to assume that there is life somewhere.

Assuming we find them.

If they were to find us and us not find them, they would be much more technologically superior and that's bad news. But yeah in all likely hood the first advancements in this field will be finding simple bacteria like organisms.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Aye, but it is unrealistic to think they will be as complex as us.

Besides that, our universe is sufficently large that it is safe to assume that there is life somewhere.

The universe is big enough to have species of aliens that there are life forms much more complex than ourselves. Even our own galaxy can hold this possibility if you think just how adaptable life is. Scientists have been surprised with a lot of discoveries here on Earth lately, and we still haven't explored our planet entirely.

And just like Fee said, in the end it would all be based on luck. There are numerous possibilities, but overall I'd prefer if the human race were to never make contact with aliens. Better safe than sorry ^^
In case, we all are some sort of "alien". The ressources for our live came from whereever and from different places, NOT from the earth we are living on. Scientific TV, you know?
And it is absolutely 100% sure that there MUST BE Aliens - somewhere. However, we may will never be able to meet them.
Now the question - What the fuck proofes the existence of "Aliens"?!

Simple Answer:
Imagine a 3x3 meters Sandbox. And look at one single grain of sand. And on this little grain of sand - and ONLY ON THIS - is live. Impossible, don't you think so?

So far,