Of course there are aliens. They move from Asia, Mexico, Canada, etc. into America (or Americans move out there and become aliens to them). Now, extra-terestrial beings, that's still a question. Personally, I believe that there are [E.T.s]. I believe that they have visited Earth and are living among us. What I do not believe though is that they're the horrible, killing monster-demons everyone makes them out to be. I actually think they have been helping us out through our years of exsistance. If you think about it, look how fast our technology has advanced (may not seem fast in the short-term, but thinking in the long-term). Within less than 50 years, we've gone from little blocks moving up and down our televisions to near-realistic characters acting at our will through vast, virtual inviroment. Within less than 100 years, we've gone from soundless black-and-white motion pictures to completely colored, with audio, 3D movies. I'm a Christian (my own little branch called Rajism), so yes, I believe there is a God, an Almighty Power. But you also have to believe that we CAN'T be the only lifeforms in this infinite universe of ours. Hell, for all we know, we could be the [E.T.s]. I'm just saying...