OMG you unlocked the narhawl?
i tried for ages but the pony gate to the aether was glitching and i couldnt get into the castle of cute D:
oh well i got the rainbox unicorn though =D
but that was aaages back when the ponys were only 3 colours
nowdays you get like 23890 colours to choose from and 23885 are different shades of pink and light blue

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
brink is weird... its cool and annoying and sorta fun and frustrating all at the same time. As for team based shooters i think i'll stick to my battlefields and Team Fortress 2
OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
Originally Posted by zzilm View Post
brink is weird... its cool and annoying and sorta fun and frustrating all at the same time. As for team based shooters i think i'll stick to my battlefields and Team Fortress 2


"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
im saving my game that im going to buy for LA Noire. it looks great and its buy rockstar, kings of the sandbox style game