This is a roleplay. One of you is very poor, but owns a map to a treasure chest worth billions. The other is a upper-middleclass person that wants the map. Pick your role and negotiate.(LAST ONE)
You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
This is sort of like a roleplay. One of you is very poor, but owns a map to a treasure chest worth billions. The other is a fairly wealthy person that wants the map. Pick your role, and negotiate.
Stranger 1: This sounds not retarded
Stranger 1: for once
Stranger 1: and wait
Stranger 2: ok
Stranger 1: are you the poor person or am I
Stranger 2: which one you want to be?
Stranger 1: the rich guy
Stranger 2: okay
Stranger 1: Ill give you all my money for the map
Stranger 1: 90% of it
Stranger 2: Noway sire
Stranger 2: The map is worth a lot more
Stranger 1: The map is worth almost nothing
Stranger 1: its the tresure thats worth it
Stranger 2: without map, no treasure
Stranger 1: Do you even have the equipment for such a venture
Stranger 1: for all you know
Stranger 1: it could be out in the indian ocean
Stranger 1: and we are stuck here in sweden
Stranger 2: it's not there
Stranger 1: Being the "fairly wealthy" man that I am
Stranger 2: actually it's as near as in Estonia
Stranger 1: I do have the capacity for such a journey
Stranger 2: on an island called "Saaremaa"
Stranger 1: Oh dear god. Not..... SAAREMAA
Stranger 2: and there's a smaller Island near it called "Vilsandi"
Stranger 2: And my friend lives on that
Stranger 2:
Stranger 2: I pay a visit to him.
Stranger 1: So, Poor man
Stranger 1: how are you going to get there
Stranger 1: to your friend with no money
Stranger 2: to some captain that needs workers
Stranger 2: i will be a seaman
Stranger 2: i work for free as long he gives me food and a lift to Saaremaa
Stranger 1: But for how long, as you see
Stranger 1: you have just told me the island it is on
Stranger 1: *smirks*
Stranger 1: And if by the time
Stranger 1: you get on the captin shit
Stranger 1: and work, for free
Stranger 1: I will have the island completely searched.
Stranger 2: yea, sure
Stranger 2:
Stranger 1: Sure?
Stranger 1: Do you surrender?
Stranger 1: I have much equiment
Stranger 1: is that a risk your willing to take?
Stranger 1: I could hire 1000 men
Stranger 2: no you don't
Stranger 2: you are not that wealthy
Stranger 2: bu i will be, soon
Stranger 1: *laughs*
Stranger 1: Okay look
Stranger 1: Since im feeling like a nice guy
Stranger 1: how about this
Stranger 1: instead of taking that risk
Stranger 1: We split the profit 60/40
Stranger 2: hahaa
Stranger 1: you give me the map, I give you the resources you need
Stranger 2: i get the 405?
Stranger 2: 40%
Stranger 1: of course
Stranger 2: nope
Stranger 2: 50/50 is fine with me
Stranger 1: You drive a hard bargin
Stranger 1: seeing as how I know the island
Stranger 1: and the island is not that large
Stranger 1: we have metal dectors
Stranger 2: hahaa
Stranger 2: there's no way that u could fin it
Stranger 2: in that case
Stranger 2: i take a loan
Stranger 2: from the bank
Stranger 1: *laughs*
Stranger 1: Who would loan that much money
Stranger 1: to a crazy poor man searching for rtreasure
Stranger 1: Imagine your propsal
Stranger 1: "Yes i would like a $30,000 loan to go find burried treasure on the island of Saameraa"
Stranger 2: i take a temporary loan with high payback rate
Stranger 2: from "the right people"
Stranger 1: Like I said, as soon as we leave this room
Stranger 1: I would have all my men on the island
Stranger 1: asap
Stranger 1: And by the way, I have guns.
Stranger 1: and A gun.
Stranger 1: If I find you on that island I would have no problem ending you there.
Stranger 2: i can wait
Stranger 1: until what?
Stranger 2: untill u leave or die
Stranger 1: I wont leave that island until I find the treasure
Stranger 2: or run out of money
Stranger 1: I own a business, its a money flow
Stranger 1: but alright alright
Stranger 1: Since im feeling like a kind gentlemen
Stranger 1: 50/50 my final offer
Stranger 2: deal
Stranger 2:
Stranger 1: *goes to island*
Stranger 1: *tons of merchs owned by me*
Stranger 1: *we throw you overboard*
Stranger 1: *yells down at you*
Stranger 2:
Stranger 1: Give me one good reason
Stranger 1: *shit eating grin*
Stranger 1: (this sounds like an awesome movie btw haha)
Stranger 2: The real map is in my head ^^,
Stranger 1: OH MY GAWD
Stranger 1: *throws life raft out*
Stranger 2: *ssharks chew my legs already*
Stranger 1: THE MAP
Stranger 1: *shoots into the water*
Stranger 1: *cries*
Stranger 2: Shoot the sharks, not me
Stranger 1: Thats what i was aiming for
Stranger 2: final act: the poor guy dies.
Stranger 1: *darth vader style*
Stranger 2: They pull the body out
Stranger 2: shave his head
Stranger 2: and find a tattoo
Stranger 2: ;)
Stranger 1: OH YEAH
Stranger 1: *gets to the island*
Stranger 1: *its owned by evil super villians
Stranger 1: WELP FUCK
Stranger 2: hahaa
Stranger 1: *gets beaten to death by super villians*
Stranger 1: We failed =(
Stranger 1: what a twist!
Stranger 2: haha
Stranger 2: wait for the sequeal
Stranger 2: when the poor guys son goes for tht quest again
Stranger 2: with his father scalp
Stranger 2:
Stranger 1: LOL
Stranger 2: was fun, thx
Stranger 1: word
Stranger 1: ttyl brah