Probably going to try this one.

E: have to finish a different set first but I should be able to start tomorrow.
Last edited by LWafflez; Jun 25, 2011 at 12:10 AM.
Originally Posted by Jire View Post
Everyone except AlphasoniK, Ferrock and others who have yet to post a WIP - please don't post any more WIPs until I have seen their WIPs first!

Understood? But anyway, comments:

I still like Taroni's best

Kreat0r: wrong style, colors, and level of quality. Read the first post.

Kosuke I liked your previous WIP better but it is still no match to Maccross's and Taroni's

So people

Don't post any more WIPs on this thread until I've seen AlphasoniK's or Ferrock's first WIP. You can continue to work on yours but rather send me a PM with your newest WIPs than post here for a while, thanks.
Last edited by Jire; Jun 25, 2011 at 11:15 AM.
Ferrock is too busy so he won't be participating on this set.

Still waiting for AlphasoniK's response, and many others from who I haven't seen a WIP yet say they'll give their WIPs later when they have time.

In order of how much I like your latest WIP, top three:

Maccross ( latest version via PM)
GraphtiC (latest version via PM)

Any others posted aren't the quality I'm expecting. Read my comments throughout the thread for further info on my preferences and/or PM me.

All new entries are welcome.
Awesome work Taroni. Further instructions of how to continue sent via PM =)

I consider everone else out except Taroni, AlphasoniK and Maccross. I'll keep on adjusting the set with Taroni while the others get one more chance to make a stunning head. Maccross has come far with making better WIPs, but I still prefer Taroni's over it. AlphasoniK is known for his talents, but for now he has yet to respond to my PM or give a WIP.