Secret Santa 2024
lol, epic. i was expecting a peice of toast on wheels lol
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
But what about the seats. Or even the engine. What is that made out of. How fast does it go, From what chemicals do you draw from the beard to make the car vroom. Is the intake affected from different types of bread. I accepted that the car has some metal axle's or at least has some type of grain to fuel cell manipulator. But that stuff has to be heavy right? So the interior has to be fiberglass or something like that. So does that mean that only the chassis has toast parts. And there for wouldn't that be to heavy for the toast to handle. And further more how the hell are you going to keep all that toast on. Did you also wield a special pan that takes the shape of the car? All real world questions.
clearly the car runs off enzymes breaking down the toast and creating sugar, and then the sugar ferments into alcohol, and the car runs off the alcohol.

have you ever burnt toast? it becomes very hard. these burnt toasts are then pressed together forming a super hard toast frame.

Seats are furnished with the not so done toast, you know, the kind that isnt quite brown or stiff yet, but still not normal bread.

Intake takes air.

Axles are metal yes, they are however, butter knives.

no pan, car was handmade in fear's basement. dont ask how he got it out, we have no idea.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Originally Posted by Fear091 View Post

by the power of the AARP/DMV I dubb this car street legal
Originally Posted by UberDemon View Post
A little constructive criticism :3
Behold, the toast mobile v2

It sux. Bagle wheels are the only improvement.
The windows are made of toast, st00pd.

Well, lol nothing to fix here ^ the only improvement i can see is that the pokeball spawns a beagle
I swag as a fat person's belly swaggeth as he goeth.