Re: my new apprentice, who will it be?
Originally Posted by Daedulaes
I would love to become your apprentice Sieg. I am very talented in many ways. I even have some replays to show my skill.
err, this is my ART apprentice, i can't teach POV-RAY if that's what your on about (i suck at pov :P) but if your here to leanr kick ass art tech then post a picture of what you can do on photoshop or the GIMP (gimp is free just download it off google.) and i'll see what your cappable of, it's unlikely you will get in tho, i might just copy a couple of the courses i send ducky/stuntman ect...
Originally Posted by Sieg... this quote has been edit for purpose...
stunt man is winner
pychz is looser
there has been a change, Ducky is backing out from the market of images... and pychz is considering image editing as a career, he pleeded his case (NOT in an indignifying way.) and so i thaught that as a career this is siriuse, i can't teach that level but i can give him a leg up to getting there... sooooo:
Official appentices and there standing according to the market;
Ducky: backed out from the market.
Stuntman: posibble to be in the market soon affter teaching starts.
Pychz: a career move. --this was a special acceptiance.
Id like to make it clear here and now, Ducky has NOT joined the Sieg/Emo-boy shop, and said to me he was backing out, meh anuther grate computer artist gone, well good luck in what ever you hope to do Ducky ;)
sorry for horrible spelling just anuther couple of days and i'll be at MY desk hehehe.