No. How much would Mysterio relax and Vampire relax take off of the price of the textures? Also, don't tell me how much tc I have when you have no idea what's on my alts.
Lol Just because you misjudged my tc and put me through this shit, no. You clearly have unstable prices and probably don't understand how marketing works. Goodluck selling your over priced items. >.>
Lol Just because you misjudged my tc and put me through this shit, no. You clearly have unstable prices and probably don't understand how marketing works. Goodluck selling your over priced items. >.>
ok bye
Originally Posted by reyramiro
cuanto por todas las texturas [gul]
Originally Posted by MegaCash
3k for shaman blood and head avatar
4k deal
Last edited by darkcratoz; Aug 15, 2011 at 10:45 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump