Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
I hate it when people say stuff like that. Well let me tell you, lots of things happen to everyone. We all get our fair share of bad and good things, you finally got one little bad thing. When there's shitloads of poor people who can't even afford to feed themselves, then get hit by an earthquake that ruins anything they had and killed a hefty number of them including there families. While your crying about being a rich little kid who's getting a category 2 hurricane that most likely won't do anything to you, except a power outage and a stormy day. So seriously shut the hell up.


/ontopic, I just want to see how crazy it's gonna be. Never been in a hurricane before, and I'm looking forward to seeing whats going to happen
Im not rich im poor Im glad for what I have im just scared man if you were me you would be scared too.
ICOF forever! FUCK YEA EGGY AND ME GONNA FUCK YO SHIT UP! We shall never backdown! You cant handle us when we fight! We are the Irish Gods! Fear us!